


As a freelance fact-checker for StoryCorps, I conducted research to confirm every detail in the segment up to National Public Radio’s broadcast standards. This means conducting phone interviews with the participants’ friends and family and with doctors, police departments, reporters, historians, subject-matter experts, etc., depending on the needs of the segment. It also means reading available literature, finding dates, and citing statistics.

The following are a few selected segments I fact-checked for StoryCorps which aired on NPR’s Morning Edition or Weekend Edition Saturday:


I published an article on Interzine in September 2020, which uses my honors history thesis research on Cleveland's Italian-American community to explore the anti-Black racism of people who weren't always considered white and address what that can teach us about racism and whiteness in America.

ACLU 100

In 2018, I worked with the curator of the ACLU’s centennial exhibition to research, organize, and plan the historical components of the event.